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Monday, September 26, 2011

Courtships in the 21st Century...


In today's world, courtships have become even more casual than EVER! I've been curious for sometime now to explore this subject...ever since I've arrived at college, I've learned very quickly that the dating world is far from what Hollywood depicts in its romantic comedies or chick flicks.

The act of being promiscuous has become socially acceptable in our society and culture. We reward those who take part in the act and even encourage it! But why? Why have we as a whole agreed that casual sex is OKAY to teach our children? Shouldn't we be encouraging wholesome relationships rather than casual ones? That would make more logical sense, no?

Dating in college rarely ever occurs. Often times, people just hit home strings attached, and the emotional aspect is disregarded. Perhaps that is the reason why many take part in hitting home runs? Without being emotionally attached, they don't have to worry about ever getting hurt. However, can we really be in a relationship and not be emotionally attached? Is that even possible for our species to accomplish?

...more later!


Tuesday, September 20, 2011

College in the Americas

3 things to ponder upon:

1. Does college really teach us anything? Be honest. 
2. College is not for everyone, so why is society pressuring the mass to ATTEND UNIVERSITY? 
3. College has become a necessity, yet it's incredibly EXPENSIVE. Those who can afford private tutoring, the fees for the applications, the tests, and etc...have an advantage over the "have nots"- clearly that's not fair. 

...will express my thoughts later in the week. I best be getting back to studying! 

Hello World!